



Though the Xeno'dorians have no social norm that requires them to be clothed in public, they will often wear cloaks to signify their societal status. They may also be clothes designed for work.

More decorative garments and accessories can be seen on Xenodiorian Officials and Royalty. Such may include cloaks, robes and golden jewelry that would be worn to pronounce their authority over the empire.


Xeno’dorians mates will exchange gifts often. They often find there mates from within there tribe, But also get a mate from from outside of the tribe, most likely a neighboring tribe

Polygamous Tribes

Xeno’dorians in most tribes naturally tend towards polygamy relationships because of the natural tendencies of the Xeno’dorian species — Because of this most Xeno’dorian tribes stay polygamous as it is a system that works well for them. Instead of the more animalistic rituals of the tribes that prefer monogamy, polygamy tribes have developed a ritual of making jewelry out of the feathers of their partners, carrying their scent with them at all times.

Monogamous Tribes

Monogamy is more of a rare occurrence in Xeno’dorian society as it generally develops from the ideologies of the stricter, more ritualistic tribes. Before marriage, monogamous Xeno’dorians will request some “trial” to prove their devotion to their partner. Some examples of these trials can include hunting a large animal or finding a rare object to please their partner.. After marriage, monogamous relationships frequently have a ritualistic marking of their partner by biting the neck, leaving a lasting scar. In these tribes, the marriages will sometimes be arranged by the tribe elders.


Xeno’dorians believe that all life is precious. They do everything they can to protect their environment. Their environment is where they sleep, their home. Xeno’dorians Believe that they should keep their body natural but are not opposed to cybernetics, as there are a whole host of reasons that one has gotten cybernetics.


They have Civil life and a Tribal life, they switch these every month. Civil life is where they live in a city to work, and tribal life is dedicated to social responsibilities. During a work month the average Xeno’dorian works 5 out of 7 days of the week, taking two off as a break. When they move back out of large cities to their tribal homes, they take a more relaxed schedule and work on improving themselves and the surrounding community.

Tribal life is the social half of the dichotomy. They also have a polyphasic sleep cycle, meaning they sleep whenever they need to and not at the end of the day like in a monophasic sleep cycle — this allows them not to be sleep deprived and be more productive. Tribal varies for each tribe, may explore the stars and live a bit more nomadic, some may stay in the forests of their home world and socialize with other tribes. There are tribe members, tribe elders, then the chieftess. The regular tribe members have the work month and the tribe month, this is split between half of the regular tribe members, the tribe members when on their tribe months have responsibilities still at the tribe. Like farming, gathering resources, co-parenting. The tribe elders are responsible for social life, tribal skills, therapy, teaching kids, managing and organizing social events, telling stories, and being artists. The Chieftess's responsibilities are to manage tribe members, make decisions for the tribe. Tribe elders' schedules are dynamic, so they take the time off when they need to, because they need to be available all the time outside the work month. The Chieftess are always “working” as they are responsible for making big decisions for the tribe. They will also provide help to the elders of the tribe if it is needed.

Kids “work month” is when they are in the city learning civic skills like history, math, reading and writing, and the sciences. During this month when they are not in school they go home to their parents that are on their work month.

Tribes Hierarchy

You have the Chieftess, Elders, and tribe members.


The Chieftess are responsible for organizing social events and making big choices for the tribe. The chieftess wears a cloak that contains feathers from all tribe members, this may be the cloak itself, showing that is an old tribe that's been there for over 10 generations and been successful and the current members, this cloak is also passed down to the next Chief. or the cloak at the start around the neck is puffy made with the feathers of the tribe members to show its members


Elders are responsible for — helping raising hatchlings and especially new mothers, mentally supporting younger Xeno’dorians, making sure everyone is healthy, and assigning jobs to tribe members.

Elders are chosen by the Chieftess herself.

Tribe Members

Tribe Members are responsible for — gathering food, attending social events, helping other tribe members, help raise other hatchlings, and going to work on there work month